We have released new version of MuliCRM. Lots of new features! Only until 20.08.2019 MultiCRM is 30% OFF from regular Price.
Only for 1 Week Multicrm price goes 40% off regular price. Grab IT!
Hi There! We just released the new version of Multicrm. Check here ??? http://bit.ly/2EWEIAb Interesting articles to read in free time. ✅ Laravel 1) 14 Laravel Performance Tips And Ideas. http://bit.ly/2GBEPBm 2) 10+ Packages for building Laravel Apps. http://bit.ly/2GBjasZ 3) Laravel Model Caching. http://bit.ly/2GldyDP ✅ Backend 1) PHP Frameworks Guide & Top Expert PHP Framework 2019 — Prediction. http://bit.ly/2URzoCb 2) When To Use […]
Multiple new features added in newest 2.0 version of MultiCRM. Screenshots below. Changelog
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 |
## Features 1. Quick Edit - Ability to edit records directly in lists. 2. Advanced View - Ability to create custom list views. 3. Advanced Filter - Ability to filter records with complex queries. 4. Generic additional partial views in index list of modules + Generic Count Group By Widget. Examples: Campaigns, Leads, Contacts. 5. New modules: - Activity -> Call Log - Activity -> Contact Request 6. Contacts - Added Additional emails feature. 7. Leads - Additional emails feature. 8. Product - Added Price Book (Multi Price Product) + Integration with Invoices. 9. Web Forms - Integration with wordpress form or any other application that can "post" request to url. 10. Added Gravatar for Contacts. 11. In Part of admin settings added quick quick add ,quick edit options. 12. Added support for redis cache. 13. Updated Laravel to 5.7 14. Bug Fix - comment save fix. - users limit, storage limit fix. - other fixes. - fixed bug with entity_created_by |
Small selection of features listed bellow. List Filters / Data segmentation Filters allows to use complex conditions to search records in lists. Advanced list views User can choose what columns he want to see in what order. Data can be pre-filtered with […]
New MulitCRM application is release. Whats new? Features 1. Generic CSV Import with CSV mapping to Database columns – Lead Import from CSV – Contacts Import from CSV – Accounts Import from CSV – Payments Import from CSV What is special here and why it’s generic? Every CRUD controller extends ModuleCrudController. Import feature is added […]
I started working on tutorial that will teach how to extend Laravel BAP and MultiCRM. First article about creating ManyToOne relation is here on medium. View at Medium.com
We just added this cool new application to our multicrm!
BAP SAAS KIT is as Laravel self-hosted SAAS Frontend. At first, this will be part of MultCRM and later standalone starter project.
One place, one instance, multiple companies.